By deciding to become a surrogate, you are giving a hopeful person or couple the ultimate gift: the gift of a child. Because you are giving them such an amazing gift, the intended parents are eager to compensate you in any way they can. So you might be wondering, “How much do surrogate mothers get paid?”
Surrogate compensation can vary based on a number of factors. In most cases, you can expect a base pay of $30,000–$45,000, depending on the circumstances of your unique surrogacy journey.
It’s understandable to have questions about how much surrogates get paid. It could be thedeciding factor between whether or not you will become a surrogate.
Fortunately, as a surrogate, you will receive a generous base compensation, and all your surrogacy-related expenses will be covered by the intended parents. The amount of compensation you will receive will depend on the agency you work with as well as the unique circumstances of your surrogacy journey.
After all, you’re dedicating a lot of time and energy to giving them a child that is biologically theirs. You deserve to be compensated for your sacrifice.
To learn more about the specifics of how much surrogates get paid, contact a surrogacy professional now or continue reading the guide below to get the information you need.
How Much Does it Pay to be A Surrogate?
Even though your primary reason for choosing to be a gestational carrier is the altruistic desire to give a person or couple the chance to have a child, a common question you might ask is, “How much money can I get for being a surrogate?” This is a question only your surrogacy professional will be able to answer. The amount you will receive will depend primarily on your unique situation and the professional you work with.
Typically, there are three factors that determine how much total compensation you will receive:
1. Base Compensation
When answering the question, “How much do you get paid to be a surrogate?” you’ll need to determine how much you will be receiving in base pay.
- Base pay is the fixed amount of money you will receive from the intended parents for carrying their child.
- You are free to spend this base pay however you want.
- Many surrogates put their compensation toward buying a home, paying off debt, caring for their family and other financial goals.
How much money you will receive in base pay will depend on:
- Your unique situation. You will be able to negotiate how much you would like to be paid based on what you think is fair for your circumstances. The state you live in will also affect this. You will typically receive more in base pay in states with higher costs of living.
- Your experience. If you have been a surrogate before, you will receive more money than you did when you were a first-time gestational carrier. This is because you have demonstrated that you can safely and successfully carry a baby to term for someone else.
- The agency you work with. The amount of base pay you will receive will also depend on the agency you choose to work with; the average minimum amount is around $30,000–$40,000, but different agencies may offer different compensation packages. This base pay will be made in monthly installments once your pregnancy has been confirmed. Many surrogacy professionals will work with an escrow service to make sure that you are getting your payments in a timely manner.
2. Your Monthly Allowance
In addition to your base pay, you will receive a monthly allowance from the intended parents that is meant to go toward surrogacy and pregnancy expenses.
You are committing a lot of your time and energy to give a person or couple the chance to have a child of their own. The intended parents don’t expect you to cover the costs incurred during the surrogacy process and your pregnancy. You will never have to pay a dime as a gestational carrier.
The expenses this monthly allowance can go toward are:
- Medical expenses. You can put this money toward covering co-pays and deductibles on your medical bills throughout your pregnancy as well as prenatal vitamins and other out-of-pocket medical costs.
- Legal costs. You will never have to worry about covering the legal fees when working with your attorney. The intended parents will cover this in your monthly allowance.
- Travel expenses. During the surrogacy process, there will be times when you need to travel to the intended parents’ fertility clinic. Your travel expenses (such as airfare, lodging, meals, etc.) will be covered for you.
- Screening services. There will be fees for the screening services that your surrogacy professional will ask you to complete, which will also be covered by the intended parents.
So, how much do parents pay for a surrogate? Just as with the base pay, how much you will receive in your monthly allowance will depend on your personal needs and the details of your surrogacy journey.
3. Additional Expenses
While the surrogacy process comes with a lot of planning, this planning doesn’t always prevent unforeseen circumstances. You will be able to receive additional compensation to compensate you for any pop-up medical procedures or unexpected challenges. This could include termination of pregnancy, additional procedures and certain medical costs not covered by insurance. If any unexpected financial circumstances arise, you can speak with your surrogacy professional to make sure you are compensated accordingly.
How Much Money do Surrogates Make? [How to Determine your Compensation]
Step 1: Figure Out Your Base Pay
Step one to answering “How much money can I make as a surrogate?” is to determine how much your base compensation will be. You can speak with your surrogacy professional, who can help you calculate your base pay. Your base pay will depend upon your situation, the agency you work with, the state that you live in and more.
Step 2: Match with Intended Parents who Share your Goals
Ultimately, how much you will be paid for being a surrogate will depend on being matched with intended parents whose budget matches your financial goals. Your surrogate profile will be shared with intended parents whose budget aligns with your needs.
Step 3: Confirm Your Pregnancy
Once the doctor is able to confirm your pregnancy, you will begin receiving your base pay in monthly installments, as well as the monthly allowance from the intended parents. You will be able to spend the base pay however you want, whereas the monthly allowance is meant to go toward surrogacy and pregnancy expenses.
If you’re still wondering, “How much does it pay to be a surrogate?” you should contact a surrogacy agency. You will be able to go more into depth about the surrogate compensation and how that will align with your surrogacy goals. Contact a surrogacy professional today to get the support you need.